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Dec 26, 2022

Sermon for Sunday, March 15, 2015. This is the twenty-sixth sermon preached in English on It was preached by Pastor/Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker, and shows just how important the Blood of Jesus Christ really is.

Dec 18, 2022

Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker talks about what the Bible says a lost person is like, and how a saved person should be according to the Bible.

Dec 14, 2022

Sermon for Sunday, December 20, 2015. It was preached by Pastor/Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker, who shows the truth about Christmas, it's origin, why it was not celebrated by many Christians until around the last 150 years, and how Satan has entered into many modern Christmas celebrations as he tries to steal...

Dec 12, 2022

Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker talks about the doctrine of the Rapture in the Bible, and how even the order of the books in the Bible itself point to a Pre-Tribulational Rapture.

Dec 7, 2022

This video shows missionary evangelist Robert Breaker give the three main leading theories of what demons are and where they come from. It teaches this from a biblical perspective, and shows what they seek to do. It further ties them in with ancient mythology and even the giants in the Bible. If you don't know where...